Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Word as Image

This project is called "Word as Image" (designed by Ji Lee). The prompt was to "create an image out of a word, using only the letters in the word itself." It's simple and imaginative, I think she did an amazing job. There's a video installation that goes with it, definitely something to check out. 


The Most Popular Fonts Used By Designers

I clicked on this article while browsing through one of the previously posted websites, and thought it was really interesting. The site includes the history, strengths and appropriate uses of these typefaces. As someone who's relatively green at this, I find it really helpful.

Duane Reade

I noticed the renovation of Duane Reade's image. Both store fronts and logos are visible in Union Square.  Which one do you prefer, the old (the first two images) or the new (the latter two images) Duane Reade?


In my Critical Reading and Writing 2 class we read "How to Read a Sign" in Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping by Paco Underhill (it begins on pg. 61).  In the chapter, Underhill wrote, "When it comes to positioning a sign, the difference between an ideal viewing spot and a terrible one is often just a few feet" (64).  I found this article to be fascinating since it describes the best ways to display a sign, from the location to the length of the message.

Additionally, in class we discussed signs such as the old way Burma Shave advertised by dividing up their message and displaying the short phrases in order:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Helvetica Flim

Helvetica Flim shows Helvetica is used by almost graphic design field.

Here is link for Helvetica film website.

And this is Helvetica film trailer.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Typodarium 2012

For all typography lovers, check out the Typodarium 2012 from Slanted!
It comes with 366 fonts from 252 designers from all around the world.

For more information, visit here :

To purchase one, visit here :


"SPENGLISH" is a brand from a friend of mine, he designs T-shirts with funny quotes. It is called Spenglish because the quotes are a combination of Spanish and English. This is an advertising that he just posted it and I found it very cool. Hope you guys enjoy it !

Absolut Vodka Funny Advertising

For this post I chose Absolut Vodka advertising, because there are so many funny and creative advertises. Not only created by the company but also by other people. They are very unique and interesting. Let me know what you think about it !

Amazing Drawings By Ben Heine

Born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and now living in Belgium, Ben Heine is an amazing artist who overlaps hand-drawn works of art with photos to create stunning images. This images are Pencil Vs. Camera images from his Web site. I was fascinated by this drawings because they look very real, they look exactly like the background. I find them really interesting so I wanted to share it with you.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hatch Show Print: Laura Baisden

I was very fascinated by this designer and printer who works for Hatch Show Print. Hatch Show Print is a print shop founded in 1879, which has been producing a number of showcards, revival posters, and traveling circus posters.
Not only the beauty of her posters is fascinating but also is the process of how she creates them. Although posters are usually done digitally nowadays, she keeps the old, traditional way to print by arranging every single piece of type!


An article about doodling that is closely related to our lives as artists/designers/students. The author share her own thoughts and experience regarding daily sketches. I think it is nice to hear and learn from someone who definitely had more experience than we do. Remember the point of having sketchbook contests for new incoming students every year at parsons? We are encouraged to sketch anything, even just doodling, at a regular basis.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

here is a website that has 40 of some well known products that use helvetica for their logos.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I found this blog page while I was searching "stairs" for my critical reading and writing assignment. I recommend to first check the stair photo and the video posted under October 3rd. The designs are very innovative and interesting. Think how DESIGN can turn anything around us into a creative and fun part of our surrounding. For example, We are always encouraged to walk up stairs for exercising, but how many of us actually walk up to 11th floor of the parsons building when there are elevators provided? Sometimes people need more than poster advertisements and suggestions to get motivated because we are lazy. Please enjoy the video and get inspired by the photo.

Favorite Typefaces of 2011

While browsing typography sites, I came upon Typographica, a website that annually ranks and reviews a list of favorite type releases. For 2011, they came up with this list of Favorite Typefaces:

It really surprises me that even all these years after the invention of typography, there are still designers out there that can come up with a whole new "system" of letters. Will the possibilities ever end?

Here are a few of my favorite typefaces from Typographica's list!

Designers: Jose Scaglione & Veronika Burian

Designer: Rui Abreu 

Designer: Mark Simonson

Designer: Sergei Egorov

Friday, February 10, 2012

Inspiring Artist's site

Pen Brady‘s art is delicate and precise, inspired by Northcoast Art. She focuses mainly on animals, which are presented in a loving and respectful way.
Go check her website, her works are really actually reminds me of 'letter form' project we did last semester!