Sunday, February 27, 2011

cool app for your Mac

Type star is a lyric visualizer created by Scott Garner that renders lyrics of a song in realtime according to a number of preset visualization schemes.
Application is available as Mac, Windows and Linux download.

I think this application is a brilliant design due to the fact that it communicates with users through multiple senses such as sound, visual as well as the movement that is created by the animation.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011


Conductor (2011) by Alexander Chen. Video capture. View live at:

Conductor turns the New York subway system into an interactive string instrument. Using the MTA's actual subway schedule, the piece begins in realtime by spawning trains which departed in the last minute, then continues accelerating through a 24 hour loop. The visuals are based on Massimo Vignelli's 1972 diagram.

More details at:​2011/​ conductor-mta/​

Conductor: from Alexander Chen on Vimeo.

LaBoca does Black Swan

I know that this movie came out already and I'm sure everyone has seen it (if not, go. Now!), but I wanted to share the beautiful artwork that was created to promote the film. After some digging around, I found out that the posters were created by a British design studio called LaBoca and were "influenced by Polish and Czech posters of the 60s and 70s, as well as ballet advertisements of the early 20th century."*
I only wish that more movies put more thought into the artwork for their posters.

Communication Takes Many Forms

I watched this video in my Critical Reading and Writing class and felt it pertained to this course as well. As various clips of film are shown, your mind makes connections between each transition without the use of words or speech. This goes to show that communication really does take many forms and by submersing us with images that are common to our environment, we know instantly what is being portrayed. The film is extremely well done and each clip is carefully planned and placed into the video.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Anamorphic Typography

Anamorphic typography uses visual illusions and warped spatial interactions between a range of letter representations. This includes everything from standardized fonts to graffiti lettering.

Typography in advertising design

Found a collection of 40 inspirational examples of typography in advertising prints. Without too much imagery, they communicate well, by using just the type. Some with a lot of words some with less. From all I picked out 10 that I find the techniques of arranging type most effective and interesting, and here it goes!

Sun-Rype : Fruit

PS2 : Girlfriend

Pattex : Plastic

Masterfoods Skittles

IKEA : Decorate for the holidays

HSBC Systematic Investment Plan

Cancer Patients Aid Association

Amazon : Rock

Vodafone : Trainshopping

creative resumes

An interesting approach to resumes -

Very creative resume from Kristian Leigh Walsh, inspired by the Game of life.

Michael Anderson's portafolio not only shows he can create great graphics, it also proves he is able to turn 'boring' facts and figures into something exciting.

Pocket CV by Temitope Shoda. If you have to go to several jobs interviews in one day, this great resume is, besides creative, very easy to carry.

Sabrina Saccocio is a TV, radio print and web producer who has put together this creative resume, looking for a unique and interesting work, a facebook resume.


I found this video that uses all different letters, numbers, and symbols of one font to create a continuous scene. It was quite interesting to see how many different things could be formed using only the those shapes. This definitely opened my eyes to all the possibilities that type has to offer.

Blink 182 - Online Songs Kinetic Typography

I think this is the best typography video!!it is really incredible that he got the story reflect in the dynamics of words . NICE transition!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Go or Stop

I spotted this absurdity on Broadway in SoHo while I was heading down to Topshop.
I was confused by the conflicting signs!Maybe it means both so I can go and/or stop. Or nothing at all

Sorry about the low-definition photo


Sarah A. King is a typography illustrator working in London. She creates illustrations with typography. Her illustrations are made of detail lines and different type of typography.

You can find more information or impressive works of her on this website.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reverse Graffiti

Reverse graffiti is a form of graffiti that is created by drawing with a cloth (or other cleaning tool) on a very dirty surface, rather than with a spray-paint can. In doing this, the art ends up etched into the filth and calls attention to the pollution in the area. Grafitti artist Orion transformed the Max Feffer Tunnel in São Paulo, Brazil into one of the most spellbinding works of street art. He created a mural comprised of hundreds of macabre skulls. Alexandres message here was quite clear; drivers in the area needed to do something about their emissions. If a tunnel is turned into a soot and grime filled chimney of sorts, imagine how the rest of the Earth is being impacted. Although the police showed up a couple of times, they could not charge him with a crime since he was not doing anything illegal. In the end, the police contacted city officials and eventually the tunnel was cleaned.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The woman prepares for the holidays

I spotted this obscenity in a window display of a clothing store in mid-town New York back in November 2010. I think it was Gap. I found it hilarious and very offensive at the same time. Look at how the visual merchandiser whom I'm guessing to be responsible for the drama, proudly set up the fan right underneath the mannequin so the skirt would flap unstoppably and passer-bys could get a sneak peek and even be tempted to check out the store!

Read what it says on the glass -_-
"The woman prepares for the holidays."

Friday, February 4, 2011


A couple of images by an artist i found online who uses typography in a especially visually pleasing way.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fashion films

Here are some of my favorite fashion films

1. Despair by Alex Prager
I watched this film at Moma and was blown away!
The actress' facial expressions are so intense and love the surreal sentiments in the end!

2.This one is called Iris directed by Barnary Roper. The CG editing + sound effects adds to the dramatic quality of the video.

3.The one and only gaga + Nicola Formichetti for the legendary Parisian coutourier Mugler menswear S/S 2011.

Peter Pan's Trip to NYC

I saw this Peter Pan bus in late August, and thought it was an interesting advertising ploy, or perhaps just the result of a bored bus driver. Regardless, it caught my attention and thus qualifies as exemplary communication.