Thursday, March 24, 2011

Evolution of Starbucks

I think it's interesting to see the changes Starbucks has gone through since it's opening 40 years ago. Howard Schultz, the CEO of the company, says they have to adjust to the ever changing society as new trends and interests develop.

A simplistic, organic feel seems to be the way many companies are going. The link below shows 20 corporate brand logos and how they have evolved since the establishment of company.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Typography Meets Music

Kanye West's new video for his song "All of the Lights" prominently features typography as a main source of this video's illustration of the song. Seeing the words described using such interesting fonts and animation bring the song alive by just using type.

The parts of the video involving typography are in these sections: 1:08-2:03 & 4:31-5:13

Siggi Eggertsson

A Growing Pile of Work from Siggi Eggertsson on Vimeo.
Siggi compiles 7 years of his illustration works into one video

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Port Authority Subway Station

I  am sure you have all been on station at one time or another but I don't know if you've noticed the cleaver little tag lines posted on the ceiling as you walk to the N, Q, or R train. These are just some I was able to take a picture of. There are also other very funny ones saying "Running Late" "Get Fired." and phrases like that. Next time you're in this station check them out!