Sunday, February 21, 2010

ABCing: Seeing the Alphabet Differently

Came across this book: ABCing: Seeing the Alphabet Differently by Colleen Ellis. It is similar to some of the projects we do in 2DIS, playing around with the positive and negative spaces of figure and ground.

The site also contains some good links (Mark Batty publisher).

Friday, February 19, 2010

Logorama 2009

Logorama is an Oscar-nominated animated short that takes place in the setting of Los Angeles. Imagine a city dominated by corporate branding, logos and mascots. It is amazing how the images or motifs are interpret and read. Contains Mature Language.

-Jennifer Choi

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Typography Mania

Abduzeedo is a great website for designers. The site is always featuring inspirations that range from photos, ads, vectors, CG paintings, and manipulations, but what I wanted to focus on was their typographic mania section. Since we a a communication design focused class and are currently working on textual posters, I figured this would be a great site for inspiration. Here is where you can find all of their typographic mania posts.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ornamental Typography

Here are some beautiful examples of ornamental typography from the 18th century. They are excerpts from the book "Alfabeto di Lettere Iniziali," (c. 1730) by Mauro Poggi.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

5 Senses

An amazing video I came across using typography that shows how our "5 senses enhance our creativity."

Art School Ruined My Graffiti

This is done by Roid, a heavily influential graffiti artist in the UK. It is done through a 9 Colour Screenprint on 330 Gsm Paper.

Good Design Is Felt

This designer speaks the truth. The delivery of the message is dope as well.

For All You Wise Guys

A picture I took in Australia. The Aussies either
don't mess around or are extremely funny people.

A nice break-

San Francisco based artist Alexis Anne Mackenzie gives the design world a breath of fresh air from the overly manipulated industrial typefaces we are often surrounded with. These collages are awesome:

"It Matters to Me" 2009

"Never Be Sad" 2009

"Youthless" 2009

posted by Ian Markell

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7 Rules: Designers & Typographic

"Yes, I agree with Tim, I *want* this 7 rules to understand design & designers PosterVinyl Graphic AND the Eames Lounger in front of it, while we’re at it."

Post by Alli Lindner, Section Z

Rebranding the Plane

"South Africa’s Kulula airlines recently received the rebranding treatment from creative agency Atmosphere when they applied this 101 guide to the various parts of the airplane. Made me smile. Found over at PSFK."

Post by Alli Lindner, Section Z

Redesigning the Jacket+Bookmark

"These Jacket+Bookmarks put a huge smile on my face. An idea by Igor “Rogix” Udushlivy who tought it would be great if we can use dust jackets and bookmarks together to create a unique image of a paper book."

Posted by Alli Lindner, Section Z

Monday, February 1, 2010

digital nation on "Frontline"

Digital Nation
On air and online Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 9:00pm (check local listings)

Over a single generation, the Web and digital media have remade nearly every aspect of modern culture, transforming the way we work, learn and connect in ways that we’re only beginning to understand. FRONTLINE producer Rachel Dretzin (Growing Up Online) teams up with one of the leading thinkers of the digital age, Douglas Rushkoff (The Persuaders, Merchants of Cool), to continue to explore life on the virtual frontier. The film is the product of a unique collaboration with visitors to the Digital Nation Web site, who for the past year have been able to react to the work in progress and post their own stories online. Dretzin and her team report from the front lines of digital culture -- from love affairs blossoming in virtual worlds, to the thoroughly wired classrooms of the future, to military bases where the Air Force is fighting a new form of digital warfare. Along the way, they begin to map the critical ways that technology is transforming us -- and what we may be learning about ourselves in the process.

branding + the design observer

A student asked me about why I included the topic of branding in the interview form (that you filled out on Tuesday).
Branding surrounds us (for better or worse). Once you become aware of the effects that brands can have on you it is hard not to have an opinion about the subject. It is a well known fact that the earlier a person is introduced to a brand name (like Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Annie's Macaroni and Cheese, etc.) the more loyal this person will be to the brand for their entire life. Since this class focuses on communication, I thought it would be something to think about.

While we are on the subject: I found much more information about branding on the blog: