Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Graphic Ambient

This site has a great collection of graphic identities examples

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Type Against Cancer

Type Against Cancer Campaign


Logo Animation

You can see the full animation here:

The idea is genius but I'm not the biggest fan of the storyline and language.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Mavel Comics made an amazing film called"AVENGERS" from a series of comic book. 
Iron man, Captain American, Hulk, Thor are coming out to the film.
"Avengers" comic book cover's illustration and film posters give us different feeling.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

TypeConnection: A Typographic Dating Game
An interesting study in trying to match different type face. Try it! What do you have to lose?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Witty Business cards

These are some interesting and humorous business cards. When I was researching business cards for our last project, branding, I encountered some unique ones and thought it would be cool to share some of them on this blog. When you think about each particular jobs, the cards makes more sense. 

Beautiful Paper cut out maps :D

I was researching for paper cut out maps to get inspirations for my final project and I found these amazing customised maps! It is amazing to see a sheet paper designed and craft out so beautifully. I feel so bad to have wasted so many papers! Someone should do a series of paper cut out art out of all the waste(clean!!) paper that we produced on the 8th floor!!!! 

Hand paper cut of London By Fmamille Summerbelle. It shows all of the neighborhoods and attractions of London, as well as some of the unusual side of London life.

By Famille Summerbelle

Autobio by Beatrice Coron

Webtime by Beatrice Coron

Amy Lai :D